White Ash provides an outreach service to mainstream primary schools across the Hyndburn and Ribble Valley area to support the inclusion of pupils with a range of SEND. It is a whole school approach that enables us to match the specialised skills of our experienced staff to the needs of the schools that request support. We cater for pupils with Generic Learning Difficulties.
We are able to offer support for schools in a variety of different areas:
If you require more information or would like to request support, please complete the below form:
All Schools reported that they found the support provided was of a high quality, their comments included:
"The tutor demonstrated an in-depth knowledge of their subject"
"The training provided a good balance of practical and theory"
"Excellent strategies gained and ideas for ASD pupils"
'High level of support given and the usefulness of advice in relation to managing challenging behaviours associated with ASD in a mainstream setting"
"Support helped with communication and ideas for sensory learners"