The Formal curriculum pathway is based on children working at phase 5 and beyond in the White Ash Progression Document. This pathway is aimed at those who can access subject specific learning. It offers a wider variety of subject content and is delivered at a higher cognitive level through delivery of discrete subjects. Although there are elements of a mainstream model, consideration is given to an adapted curriculum which reflects the whole child’s needs.
Children access work at their individual level, and where appropriate, access inclusive links in mainstream schools; ensuring they are progressing within the national curriculum framework and continuing to make good linear progress.
Our Formal curriculum places an emphasis on developing:
English and Maths - with greater attention and concentration skills, developing confidence to interaction with individuals in situations that are a part of daily life. Phonic awareness and reading are important to independent learning and underpin the Formal curriculum pathway. Children develop problem solving skills, confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value as essential life skills.
Life skills - to use skills and knowledge learned in subject specific learning and using this within real life situations and across subject areas.
Physical Skills - to help pupils develop important movement skills so that they become confident with a broad range of activities. They should develop their agility and coordination, both individually and with others to become as independent as possible in daily activities.
Behaviour for Learning - to ensure all our children have the skills to act appropriately in a range of social situations, awareness of safe and appropriate relationships and they have the skills to understand social interactions.
Music, Art, History, Geography - by giving the children the opportunities to encourage creativity in the classroom. These involve the investigation and the skills of planning, making and evaluating to realise it practically.
Science & DT - through activities that encourage every child to explore, problem solve, observe, predict, think, make decisions and talk about the world around them.
Computing - by providing children with high-quality computing education that prepares them for life within a digital world. We want our children to be creative and develop their thinking towards the technology around them.
MFL - which will support an understanding of living in a multi-cultural society, provide an opening to other cultures and foster curiosity about the wider world.
PHSE - through a wide range of learning opportunities and experiences to promote qualities, attitudes, knowledge and understanding to stay safe, healthy and prepared for life's opportunities.