Summer 2- Holidays
Eagle class have been exploring our topic of Holidays. We have listened to and read the story 'You cant take an Elephant on holiday'. We have used lots of engaging props and resources alongside the story to allow us to understand the story and use our senses to follow the story. Within our Creative Curriculum lessons, we have been pretending to get on a plane and visit a new country each week. We have visited Spain, Greece, France and Italy. During these sessions we have listened to themed music, created artwork and tasted foods from different countries. Everyone has loved 'going on an aeroplane' and learning about new places.
Our educational visit this half term was to the Beach! We went to Lytham St Annes and had the best day in the sunshine. We explored and played in the sand and built lots of sandcastles. Then we had our lunch and chips followed by an ice cream to finish the day.
We have also had a 'Carnival Day' which was a whole school celebration. Throughout the day we had a music session with the More Music company, had a session with a Childrens Entertainer, had our faces painted, paraded around the field in our handmade t-shirts and hats then had ice cream from the ice cream van that came to our school. Another lovely day celebrating all of our hardwork this year.
Have a lovely summer break Eagles and Good Luck in your new classes!