Our class teacher is Mandy
Other adults helping us to learn: Bridget, Jill, Larraine and Paige.
In Falcon class we are on the pre-semi and semi formal pathways. We love to learn through play based, multi-sensory and other meaningful opportunities such as adult led practical activities, child led play and experiences outside the classroom. These cross curricular learning experiences develop our functional skills, independence and increased access to our curriculum.
Through out our learning journey we focus on the following key areas:
Cognition & Learning
Communication & Language
Social, Emotional & Mental Health
Physical & Sensory
Independence & Self-help
Our progress and achievements are recorded in our class learning journey, individual learning folders and individual learning goals set through Evidence for Learning.
Communication & Interaction
In Falcon class we spend lots of time developing our communication and interaction skills. We have a daily good morning and snack sessions where we talk about what we are doing in the day and make requests. This is also a good time to practice asking and answering questions and show an interest in each other.
Throughout the school day we use Intensive Interaction, PECs, Makaton and Widgit visuals in all areas.
Reading & Phonics
In Falcon class we read every day. We love to read and explore texts across the curriculum as it is a skill that impacts all areas of learning and increases independence.
Reading - We use small world and sensory experiences to explore texts and stories. The children have access to books at their levels including 'reading for fun' books, audiobooks, online texts through Bug club, online and physical games and within library areas both in class and in the main school.
Phonics - Phonetic skills are explored daily at children's individual levels ranging from P1 - P4 using their methods of communication to support their learning.
Some children in our class have personalised sensory diets but we all have opportunities throughout the school day to take a movement break and have a sensory snack!
We also take full advantage of sessions such as;
Sensory processing
Deep Pressure
Attention Autism
Click on the Falcons to see what we have been up to!