
White AshSpecial SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome toWhite Ash Special SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Our Teacher is Lisa Bowden 

TAs in our class:





In Doves class we follow both the sensory and pre-semi formal pathways.   We love to learn through early-play based, multi-sensory and other explorational opportunities such as adult led practical activities, adult-led play and experiences outside the classroom.  These cross curricular learning experiences develop functional, independence and increased access to our curriculum.

Through out our learning journey we focus on the following key areas:


Cognition and Learning

Communication and Language

Social, Emotional & Mental Health 

Physical and Sensory Development 

Independence and Self-Help 


Our progress and achievements are recorded in our class learning journey, individual learning folders and individual learning goals set through their EHCP plans and Evidence For Learning.


Communication and Interaction 

In Doves we focus a lot of time on developing our communication skills.  During snack time we encourage some of children to make choices using 'real' objects or exchange a visual image (photo/PECs) for their choice of snack.  We encourage all our children to sit together, occasionally we may play relaxation music or different genres of music to allow this time to be an enjoyable experience with their class friends. 

Throughout the school day we may also incorporate a variety of interactive sessions such as Attention Autism, Sensory Processing, Jabadao, Intensive Interaction, pre-phase phonic activities and technology to develop communication, interaction and listening skills.



Reading and Phonics 

Reading and exploring different texts across the curriculum is a skill that in Doves we develop through themed multi-sensory stories.  In our reading corner our children can explore a variety of interactive, illustrative books independently or with an adult.

Our children are at the very early stages of 'reading for enjoyment' during individual reading activities we encourage our children to explore a book in different ways, holding a book correctly, turning pages, feeling textures or pressing buttons to make a sound. 

Our children also participate in pre-phonics activities i.e. listening to and recognising different sounds, listening walks in the woodland or local community and experiencing a variety of musical genres.




Some of our class children will also have personalised sensory diets but we all have opportunities throughout the school day to take 'movement' or a 'sensory snack'.

We also take full advantage of sessions such as:

Fun with Foods

Sensory Processing 

Intensive Interaction


Deep Pressure


Lightroom Sessions

Rebound Therapy/Trampoline Therapy 







LTP - Take a look at our topic coverage this year

