Fun with Food is a weekly intervention for pupils with an aversion to oral feeding. The aim of Fun with Food is to desensitise the child to food smells and textures and to assist them in developing a positive attitude towards food.
Many pupils at White Ash have a limited diet in terms of what they choose to eat. This can be due to a number of sensory factors such as the sound, look, taste, smell and texture of certain foods.
During Fun with Food sessions, pupils are given the chance to explore a wide range of foods at their own pace in a fun and non-threatening environment. Over time, this intervention should help to reduce any fears or anxieties surrounding food and enable our pupils to extend and explore the range of food and drink within their diet.
What does a typical Fun with Food session look like at White Ash?
Step 1 - Wash and dry your hands.
Step 2 - Put on an apron.
Step 3 - Warm up your mouth by blowing bubbles or enjoying a massage on your cheeks.
Step 4 - Pick a small tub of food from the bag. Shake the tub and listen to the sound it makes. Look at what is inside the tub. Open up the tub and have a smell. Put some of the food on the table. Feel it with your hands or explore using tools e.g. paintbrush/cutlery.
Step 5 - Repeat step 4 until all pupils have explored every tub in the bag.
Step 6 - Time to get creative. Put a little bit of food from each tub in front of each pupil. Use the foods to do something fun. This could be … painting a self portrait, building a landscape for toy dinosaurs or you could even use spoons to feed teddies and dolls.
Step 7 - Look at everyone’s amazing creations and celebrate what they have done!
Step 8 - Time to tidy up. Put all the rubbish in the bin and wash up!