Our Class teacher is Catherine
Other adults supporting in class are Nicola, Dawn, Beth, Amelia and Charlotte
At lunchtime, Zoe helps us
In Kingfisher class we love to experience learning through having fun! We follow informal, pre-semi formal and semi-formal pathways to ensure we meet the needs of all our learners - We engage in multi-sensory lessons which are fun and interactive which helps us to learn.
All of our learners have focused sessions to build their communication and interaction skills, engage in Attention Autism sessions and Learning Outside The Classroom. Our sensory learners partake in specialised sensory I.C.T. input in our fantastic light room. MOVE sessions and rebound therapy, whilst others enjoy swimming, P.E. and a broad curriculum including English, Maths, Science, History and Geography.
Through out our learning journey we focus on the following key areas:
Cognition & Learning
Communication & Language
Social, Emotional & Mental Health
Physical & Sensory
Independence & Self-help
Our progress and achievements are recorded in our class learning journey, individual learning folders and individual learning goals set through Evidence for Learning.
Communication & Interaction
In Kingfisher class we spend lots of time developing our communication skills. We have focussed communication sessions where we build on our existing skills and we enjoy social snack times together with out friends.
Throughout the school day we use Intensive Interaction, PECs, Makaton and Widgit visuals in all areas.
Reading and phonics
We love to read and explore texts across the curriculum as it is a skill that impacts all areas of learning and increases independence.
We use drama, small world and sensory experiences to explore texts. The children have access to books at their levels, alongside audiobooks, online texts through Bug club, Words First programme and library areas both in class and in the main school.
Phonics is explored often at children's individual levels using their methods of communication to support.
This half term we are reading How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth
Some children in our class have personalised sensory diets but we all have opportunities throughout the school day to take a movement break and have a sensory snack!
We also take full advantage of sessions such as;
Fun with Foods
Sensory processing
Deep Pressure
Attention Autism
Light room time
PSHE & Life Skills
In Kingfisher class we focus on Life skills and PSHE skills to support and develop independence. These elements are focused on daily within our curriculum, class routines and within weekly subject-specific lessons.
Life skills include; Functional self-help skills, social skills, and vocational skills.
PSHE include; Rules and responsibilities, relationships, health and wellbeing, staying safe and Money.
As a school, we have our 5 Healthy Aims which we work hard every day to achieve.