
White AshSpecial SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome toWhite Ash Special SchoolTogether, anything is possible…

Spring 1

Spring 1- Arctic Adventures


Eagle class have been learning all about the Arctic this half term. First we explored a tray of cold items to help us understand the climate of the Arctic. We have learnt about Arctic animals, listened to the sounds they might make and created polar bear and Arctic fox artwork using different painting techniques. We also started to learn about the Northern Lights and used chalks and pastels to create our own lights on black card. 


In English we have read a story called 'A letter to Bear'. We have used lots of sensory resources to help engage pupils within the story session. We listened to this story each week to help us get familiar with it in order to anticipate what might happen next within the story or recall key points from the text. 


On our educational visit we went to Knowsley Safari Park. We discussed whether the animals we saw would live in the Arctic or not and why. We had a fabulous day even if the weather was wet and windy!

Pictures from our educational visit to Knowsley Safari Park.
