
White AshSpecial SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome toWhite Ash Special SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome to PSHE! 

*Information regarding Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) can be found in our PSHE policy below 

Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) are at the heart of our curriculum at White Ash School. Our curriculum reflects our school values and dedication to providing our children with a wide range of learning opportunities and experiences to promote the qualities, attitudes, knowledge and understanding to stay safe, healthy and prepared for life’s opportunities. PSHE is delivered in a safe and structured environment following the statutory guidance provided by the Department of Education with regards to drug, financial, sex and relationship education and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.

Our inclusive and ambitious curriculum focuses on teaching both explicit and implicit knowledge and skills which reflects pupils’ increasing independence and personal and social awareness. It provides the fundamental building blocks and characteristics to develop effective relationships, personal and social responsibility, manage personal safety, including online, manage the physical and emotional changes at puberty, introduces them to a wider world and enables them to make safe and informed decisions.

Our children are supported to learn to adapt their skills to be successful throughout life whist developing their spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness for life and work in modern Britain.

As a school we have our 5 Healthy Aims which we work hard every day to achieve.


Your child should be participating in teeth brushing sessions in school, promoting tolerance of teeth brushing whilst carrying out personal care. This should be being done after lunch. Find below links with advice and tips on our 5 healthy aims can be promoted at home.


  • Teeth brushing: The following link gives tips on how teeth brushing at home and advise on why teeth brushing can be difficult for children with additional needs. There is also a step by step guide for you to print out and have as a visual for you to use.




  • Healthy eating: Find below information on how as a school we are encouraging healthier lunch times and snack times. There is suggestions on snack swaps that could be implemented to. 
  • Drinking water: have a look at the following document that is filled with information on the importance of drinking water and the impact it has on a childs development. 

The importance of exercise: In school we encourage lots of exercise throughout the curriculum. From the class PE lessons, to extra curriculum of rebound and lunch time activities. Weekly swimming lessons and interventions out and about in the community. Find below links and resources to help you promote exercise at home. 

Washing hands: Within school, our children participate in lots of practical activities where it may involve getting messy and hands on with mud, paint, food etc. As a school we encourage and promote the importance of hand washing through meal times, playtimes and after these hands on activities. We use lessons such as PSHE and attention Autism to demonstrate this. Find below information on how this can be promoted at home and the importance. There is also suggestions on how we can promote hand washing through games. 

Scheme of work
