A great way to develop and consolidate Maths skills is to use them in everyday situations.
Try to incorporate these things into your day-to-day routines:
• Counting out ~ going upstairs, putting chocolate buttons into a bowl, dropping bath toys into the bath
• Colour and shapes ~ spot and name colours and shape you see around you. (E.g. Signs, magazines, foods)
• Sort things into groups according to their shape or colour e.g. pasta shapes, coloured cars, blocks
• Share out things between all the people in the house e.g. a cup for everyone, a biscuit for everyone
• How many? Find out ‘how many?’ as a game in the house - How many windows do we have? How many legs on the chair? How many books on the shelf.
A range of interactive Maths games for ages 3-16yrs
A selection of online Maths games for KS1 and KS2.
We use Busy Things across the curriculum, but it is great for interactive Maths resources. You can sign up here for a free trial.
Numberblocks - Games, shows and puzzles from Numberblocks looking at place value, addition and subtraction.