
White AshSpecial SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome toWhite Ash Special SchoolTogether, anything is possible…





Our Class teacher is Jess.

Other adults helping us to learn are Nadine, Gemma, Jess and Maxine.


In Wren class we are on the pre-semi formal, semi-formal and formal pathway, ensuring that everyone’s individual learning styles are met in a vibrant and creative way.


In Wren class we love to learn new things, develop important life skills, be creative and most importantly, we love to have so much fun!

We experience learning through a variety of practical and multi-sensory activities, that provide meaningful opportunities and learning experiences for us to develop our functional skills, independence and increased access to our curriculum.


Throughout our learning journey we focus on the following key areas:


Cognition & Learning

Communication & Language

Social, Emotional & Mental Health

Physical & Sensory

Independence & Self-help


Our progress and achievements are recorded in our class learning journey, individual learning folders and individual learning goals set through Evidence for Learning. 


Communication and Interaction

In Wren class we spend lots of time developing our communication skills. We love to have chat and share all our own exciting news with each other.  This gives us lots of opportunities to ask and answer questions.

Throughout the school day, we use Intensive Interaction, PECS, Makaton and InPrint symbols.  Some of our children attend Talk First sessions and have weekly sessions, developing communication in the community. We also love Attention Autism, also known as 'bucket', where we develop our attention, communication and interaction skills. 



Reading and Phonics

In Wren class we love to read and share stories with each other.  We take part in daily guided reading sessions and have opportunities throughout the school day to develop ‘reading for pleasure’ and our love for books.

We use drama, small world and sensory experiences to explore texts and stories. The children have access to audiobooks, online texts through Bug club, online and physical reading games and weekly library time.

In Wren class we take part in daily phonics opportunities though games, books, singing/signing and using children’s individual communication methods to support.  We also have a full weekly phonics lesson, were children are groups according to their phonics phase from 1 to 5 and take part in a range of practical and motivating activities to encourage sound and letter recognition and to develop segmenting, blending and reading skills.  


PSHE and Life Skills

In Wren class we focus on PSHE and Life skills to support and develop independence. These elements are focused on daily within our curriculum, class routines and within weekly subject specific lessons.

Life skills include; Functional self help skills, social skills, and vocational skills.

PSHE include; Rules and responsibilities, relationships, health and wellbeing, staying safe and Money.


Enterprise: Wren class are making funds for class this term by making sausage butties for all staff in school.  They take orders, ask for payment, help to prepare and deliver to classes.




Some children in our class have personalised sensory diets but we all have opportunities throughout the school day to take a movement break and have a sensory snack!

We also take full advantage of sessions such as;

Sensory processing


Deep Pressure

Attention Autism


Summer Term 2 Important Dates

Wren Class Timetable

Wren Class - Long Term Plan

Click on the Wrens to see what we have been up to each half term.
