In Autumn 2 our topic has been 'Celebrations'. We started by learning about different cultural celebrations/events each week. These were Halloween, Diwali, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day, Children In Need and Christmas! Each week we explored the event through sensory props, songs, videos, games and artwork. See below for some action shots of us having lots of fun!
Our English text has been 'Handa's Surprise'. We have loved reading this book and using the animals and fruits to see what happens to the fruit basket within the story. Pupils have been encouraged to follow the text within the book, identify characters from the story, sequence events according to Beginning, Middle and End and match objects to pictures.
Within Maths, we have explored Capacity on weeks 4 and 5. We enjoyed filling and emptying containers to think about when something is full or empty and what this means. See pictures below...
Our Science topic has been learning all about Habitats. First we explored different habitats using sensory props e.g. ice and white material for the Arctic, grass and sticks for the Jungle or water in a tray with plastic sea creatures for the Ocean. Then we started to think about what animals live there and why. On one of our final weeks, we split into groups and made habitats using shoe boxes and lots of art resources. Pupils were encouraged to work together and become independent in creating and making their habitats. See below for the final results...
Our educational visit was to 'The Temple of Fun' play area. We explored the sensory room before entering the main soft play area. We had a great time using the equipment and climbing/developing our confidence and mobility skills. See pictures below from the day out...