The Pupil Parliament meets once a half term and represent their classmates in discussing school issues with school staff . It provides them with a pupil voice and the opportunity to have their views taken into account when organising school events such as the Christmas fair, Christmas parties, Wellbeing days as well as representing the school at events and ensuring the school is environmentally friendly.
The Pupil Parliament is usually elected annually by the other children within school. Members of the Pupil Parliament are responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed upon, such as planning parties, creating posters or collecting monies from classes after fundraising events. Each year, every class will normally elect two representatives to be members of the Pupil Parliament, from which the pupils vote for a head boy and head girl. The Pupil Parliament will then meet to elect officers such as Chair and Treasurer.
The head boy and girl feedback to SLT after each meeting and in assemblies to everyone.