
White AshSpecial SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome toWhite Ash Special SchoolTogether, anything is possible…

Autumn 1

Eagle class have been learning all about 'people who help us'. We started by exploring a different person or service each week e.g. fire department, police officers, doctors and nurses and dentists. Each week we used our senses to explore and aid our learning, we have- listened to sirens, touched and explored dressing up outfits, created artwork for each different service and watched simple videos. Lots of images, symbols and Makaton were also used to support further understanding and encourage communication. 


Our text has been 'Mungo Monkey to the Rescue', we have enjoyed reading and listening to this story each week. We have used lots of resources and props alongside the story to explore each part of the story. Activities relating to our story have been- matching objects from the text to a picture, matching picture to picture, identifying characters and beginning to trace over letters.


We have been very lucky to go on two educational visits this half term. 

Our first trip was to Towneley Park. It was a very wet and cold day but we still enjoyed being outdoors in the elements. Our second trip was to Thornton Hall Farm. This was supported by Church and Oswaldtwistle Rotary Club. See below for pictures!

Creative Curriculum- fire department, police officers, doctors/nurses and dentists.

Towneley Park educational visit.

Thornton Hall Farm educational visit.
