
White AshSpecial SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome toWhite Ash Special SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome to Owl Class!

In Owl class we love to learn whilst having fun at the same time. We focus our lessons and targets using our White Ash curriculum and each child has a set of child specific ILP (Individual Learning Plan) targets that they work towards each term. We use a holistic communication approach for all our children and use speech, signs, symbols and PECs books to communicate and allow our pupils to communicate with us.


Children within class access a range of interventions and activities, some of which include:

  • Rebound
  • Talk First (Dexter)
  • ASD Swimming
  • Intensive Interaction
  • Sensory Processing
  • Fun with Food


Meet the team

Class Teacher - Danielle J

TA3 - Nadine R

TA's - Bethany R,  Zoe A, Lauren Wo

Welfare - Simone K

Long Term Plan 2022-23


Term Key Dates & Events


ASD Swimming - Tuesday AM

Trampolining ASC - Tuesday PM

LOtC - Wednesday/Thursday AM

ASC - Thursday PM

Rebound - Friday AM


Class Trips



Themed Days & Events



Class Topics


Owl Class 2022-2023

Class Topics


Class 7 2021-2022

Class Topics

