
White AshSpecial SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome toWhite Ash Special SchoolTogether, anything is possible…

SEND Inclusion Award

Introducing the SEND Inclusion Award


This award helps schools deliver high-quality education for pupils with SEND. Compliant with the SEND Code of Practice, the award framework focuses on removing barriers to learning through early identification, inclusive teaching and leadership. It also allows you to evaluate impact to improve classroom practice and pupil outcomes.







What will it include?


  • We will create a working group that will be made up of representatives from all groups with an interest in SEND education. (Staff, students, governors and parents). Regular updates regarding progress.
  • Self-Evaluation of the school centred on characteristics of the school, Ofsted rating and Pupil/Parent/Staff Voice.
  • Creating an Action Plan with a comprehensive evidence portfolio to demonstrate our compliance with the Key Performance Indicators and Objectives.
  • Visit from an assessor to verify that the objectives have successfully been met.


How will it help?


         The award will help us to develop high quality SEND provision throughout the school by:


  • Promoting awareness of SEND issues and inclusion for all stakeholders of White Ash School.
  • Promoting awareness to all our students.
  • Evaluating and improving classroom practices and interventions.
  • Developing a clear and inclusive support system focusing on improving student outcomes.

         Successful completion of the award will enable schools to:

  • Gain recognition for high-quality education and care for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities.
  • Demonstrate to all stakeholders that the school provision complies with current legislation and the SEND Code of Practice, and is effective in achieving good outcomes for all pupils.


Objectives of SENDIA


  • 1. The school demonstrates a commitment to achieving and maintaining the SEND Inclusion Award, including informing relevant stakeholders.
  • 2. The school’s SEND policy and practice is compliant with legislation and DfE guidance and promotes an inclusive ethos.
  • 3. There is a strong and effective leadership and management of SEND provision.
  • 4. Everyday teaching for pupils with SEND is good or better.
  • 5. There is an effective system for identifying pupils’ special educational needs.
  • 6.  Pupils are actively involved in decision-making about, and the delivery of, their own SEND provision/ support.
  • 7.  Parents are actively involved in decision-making about, the delivery of, their child’s SEND provision/ support.
  • 8. The school is committed to providing high quality, ongoing continuing professional development (CPD) on SEND.

