
White AshSpecial SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome toWhite Ash Special SchoolTogether, anything is possible…

Break Time - Short Breaks

Break Time short break activities provide a range of activities and groups for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities who meet the criteria to attend and who do not receive short breaks following a social care assessment of need.

You can find out more information about Break Time here

Each eligible child or young person can access up to 78 hours of Break Time activities and groups each year which can be used between one or more Break Time providers.


White Ash Short Break Activities


Trampoline/Rebound Short Break Session (Thursday’s):

This session runs from 3.00pm - 5.00pm, it is open to between 8 - 12 children. The sessions are highly staffed by members of our school team. Children also enjoy free play, outdoor play (weather permitting) as well as time on the trampoline.

Every child is provided with a light snack and drink within the session.  Children are encouraged to generally tidy up after themselves and to help each other during each session. 

Parent Contribution; £3 per session


Saturday Short Break Sessions:

Saturday Short Break sessions are held once a month 9.30am -1.30pm during term time. They are led by a team of our school staff and gives the children an opportunity to enjoy a range of activities, including sensory play, cooking, technology, arts/crafts, and outdoor play in familiar surroundings.

Parent Contribution; £10 per session. A packed lunch must be provided by parents.

Holiday Short Break Sessions:

Holiday clubs are held during the Easter holiday (4-5 days) and Summer holiday (10 days) These sessions run from 9.30am – 1.30pm.  Children enjoy a range of activities, including sensory play, cooking, technology, arts/crafts, and outdoor play in familiar surroundings.

Parent Contribution; £10 per session. A packed lunch must be provided by parents.



Children must be transported to and from all the short break sessions by parents / carers as transport is not provided by White Ash.


