
White AshSpecial SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome toWhite Ash Special SchoolTogether, anything is possible…



"Every child has a different learning style and pace. Every child is unique, not only capable of learning but also succeeding."

Robert John Meehan


Our Class teacher is Natasha.

Other adults helping us to learn are Nicole, Lauren, Sophie and Elle. 


In Robin class we are on the pre-semi and semi formal pathways. We love to learn through play based, multi-sensory and other meaningful opportunities such as adult led practical activities, child led play and experiences outside the classroom. These cross curricular learning experiences develop our functional skills, independence and increased access to our curriculum.

Through out our learning journey we focus on the following key areas:


Cognition & Learning

Communication & Language

Social, Emotional & Mental Health

Physical & Sensory

Independence & Self-help


Our progress and achievements are recorded in our class learning journey, individual learning folders and individual learning goals set through Evidence for Learning. 

Communication & Interaction 

In Robin class we spend lots of time developing our communication skills. We have Snack & Chat every morning, this is a lovely time when we all share exciting news from home, practice asking and answering questions and show an interest in each other. This helps us to build and maintain relationships with familiar people and friends. 


Throughout the school day we use Intensive Interaction, PECs, Makaton and Widgit visuals in all areas. Some of the children in class also access Talk First sessions, use technology as an aid and have weekly sessions where they can apply taught skills in the local community.


Reading and phonics

 We love to read and explore texts across the curriculum as it is a skill that impacts all areas of learning and increases independence.

In Robin class we read every day.

We use drama, small world and sensory experiences to explore texts. The children have access to books at their levels, alongside audiobooks, online texts through Bug club and library areas both in class and in the main school. 

Phonics is explored daily at children's individual levels using their methods of communication to support. 


Some children in our class have personalised sensory diets but we all have opportunities throughout the school day to take a movement break and have a sensory snack!

We also take full advantage of sessions such as;

Fun with Foods

Sensory processing


Deep Pressure

Attention Autism


Light room time

Summer 2 half term events.

Keep an eye on our  page for details on equipment needed for particular events.  

Children who attend swimming sessions please send kit in every week on their identified days. 

Summer 2 Whole class timetable

Class Timetable

Alongside our main class timetable above, we have individual timetables as some of our children access interventions and personalised programmes. 

 Every morning we begin our day by identifying the date, weather and the activities on the daily timetable. Where possible changes are marked as a surprise and spoken through. Up coming events or visitors are also added with an appropriate visual to prepare the children.  

LTP - Take a look at the exciting topics we will be covering this school year.

