Eagle class have been learning all about Festivals in Autumn 2. We started by exploring a different festival/event each week such as- Halloween, Diwali, Bonfire Night, Children in Need, Remembrance Day and Christmas! We have explored lots of lights when learning about Diwali- the festival of light, created lots of different art work to represent each event and watched simple videos to explore fireworks and remembrance day. Lots of images, symbols and Makaton were also used to support further understanding and encourage communication.
Our themed text has been 'Doing the Animal Bop', covering the unit of 'Rhymes with a pattern'. We have enjoyed dancing with each animal each week during our story sessions. Activities relating to our story have been- matching objects from the text to a picture, matching picture to picture, identifying characters, beginning to trace over letters and mark making activities.
We have also started Swimming this half term and absolutely loved it! See pictures below...
We have developed our confidence in the water and worked on our swimming techniques using the swim aids.
We have been to the local Union Road Community Church to visit their Santa's Grotto and enjoyed our Christmas dinner and party within school as well as a visit from Father Christmas himself!
Overall, a very busy but fun half term!