
White AshSpecial SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome toWhite Ash Special SchoolTogether, anything is possible…

Reading and writing

Reading and Writing

Reading with your children and listening to them read has benefits for their cognitive and emotional development. It builds language, empathy and increases knowledge of the world around them.

Writing gives children to ability to express who they are and engage with people in their world.

We recognise at White Ash we have a range of abilities in writing from those developing their pre-writing skills to those who are consolidating their sentence writing skills. This is also true for reading, with some learning phonetically and some by sight.

Take a look below for ideas to support reading and writing at home.





Log in to access our reading and phonics resources. (Ask your class teacher for your home log in if you do not already have it.)


National Literacy Trust - free resources for families

BBC Bitesize - A selection of resources across the curriculum from EYFS - KS2

Phonics Play - Interactive games for phases 1-6

Sensory stories - Resources and a sensory stories page that will provide ideas and links to more stories to share with children.

Creative Story Buckets - Full of lots of lovely ideas and inspiration for using stories in as a focus to develop early phonics / reading / writing or pre-writing - fine motor skills and communication skills.

Marvin Story Time- established by founder of Positive Eye - Gwyn McCormack - to support the community of parents, It offers an interactive, fun, inspiring story session three times per week LIVE on Facebook to which everyone is invited to attend. Join live on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4pm

Living Paintings - a unique publishing house and library, they are the only charity in the UK who design, create and publish tactile and audio books for blind and partially sighted people. Have a look at what they call ‘Touch to See’ books


You can also sign up to sites or get the apps for Reading eggs, Teach your Monster to Read and Vooks.
