Our Learner
In school we have pupils with a range of profound and complex needs; all have physical difficulties linked to a combination of other profound difficulties such as cognitive processing needs, complex health needs or sensory needs i.e. Multisensory impairment, Visual impairment or Hearing Impairment. Our learners are unique individuals who may rely on vocal sounds, facial expressions and communicate in ways personal to themselves.
Our Curriculum
Our Sensory Curriculum is designed to meet the needs of our very complex sensory pupils through a personalised approach. It focuses on the early Communication, Personal and Social and Cognitive skills that are the foundation of learning. It also recognises the importance Tactile and Motor development and the need for a multisensory approach to learning.
A baseline assessment is carried out on entry to school and throughout the school year pupil’s achievements continue to be recorded in the curriculum document and Individual Learning Plans which are assessed, written and reported to parents each term. Our Sensory Curriculum focuses on how best the pupils learn by acknowledging and celebrating the achievements of every individual.
In school our complex sensory learners follow their own Personalised Timetables which are based on their individual needs through a wide range of activities such as Rebound Therapy, Hydrotherapy and MOVE. To enhance opportunities for their learning we have teaching assistants who provide small group and 1:1 sessions that meets personal needs of the pupils. These sessions include 1:1 Sensory Exploration, Intensive Interaction, Mobility and Communication. We are supported by specialist Multi-sensory, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment Teachers who provides support and advice to intervenors, TA's and class teachers working with individual children based on their individual need. We also have a Multi-Sensory room which uses light sound and a range of specialised equipment designed to create an environment that is used for relaxation and to provide a calming environment. With the aid of switching devices it allows users to interact with the equipment giving them the opportunity to explore cause and effect. The MultiSensory Room delivers proven benefits for our sensory learners throughout the school. The pupils all work towards their personalised targets. The Sensory Room is also used for creating interactive stories/topics with sound effects. Relaxation and stimulation, whilst soothing sounds and colours are all around.