
White AshSpecial SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome toWhite Ash Special SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome to Falcon! 


Meet our team: 

Hannah Heyes: Teacher 

Lily Millen: Teaching Assistant 

Iqra Khaan: Teaching Assistant 

Kevin Foote: Teaching Assistant 

Larraine McFarlane: Teaching Assistant 

Catherine Donolan: Welfare Assistant 

All about us 

In Falcon class we love to learn, play and have fun! 

We follow two different curriculums based on our learning needs (informal and semi-formal leaners). Our lessons are fun, vibrant and multi-sensory to ensure everyone's learning style is met. 

We ensure lots of learning, interaction and communication opportunities are available through each day to develop our meaningful life learning skills. We spend a lot of time working on our communication. We take part in daily activities such as sensory stories, intensive interaction, PECS and Makaton. 

Some of our pupils have personalised sensory diet plans to ensure movement is included throughout the day to help us regulate and be ready to learn. Some of our learners have MOVE programmes and these are incorporated into our everyday activities. 

As well as our concrete lessons, we enjoying accessing activities such as: Jabadeo, fun with food, attention autism, rebound. 


Our daily timetable

To keep you updated: 

Summer 1

- Home reading books will be changed on Fridays 

Class Trip: Knowsley on Friday 21st April 

Eid Celebrations: Friday 28th April 

Celebration for the Kings Coronation: Thursday 4th May

Friday 26th May: last day before half term 


Summer 2

Tuesday 6th: School reopens 

Monday 26th June: Special Olympics

Tuesday 27th June: Sports Day 

Friday 30th June: Summer fair 

Tuesday 4th July: Parents Evening 

Friday 7th July: school reports home 

Tuesday 11th July: Carnival day

Friday 14th July: trip out: TBC

Wednesday 19th July: awards assembly 


