
White AshSpecial SchoolTogether, anything is possible…


Welcome toWhite Ash Special SchoolTogether, anything is possible…

Equality & British Values

Equality and British Values

Equality Statement 

The Governors and Staff of White Ash school ensure that equality of opportunity is available to all members of the school community.


For our school this means, not simply treating everybody the same but, understanding and tackling the different barriers which could lead to unequal outcomes for different groups of pupils in school, celebrating and valuing the equal opportunity achievements and strengths of all members of the school community.

Equality Objectives 2022-2023

1. To embed equality objectives throughout the school day.

2. To plan and deliver half-termly assemblies for all children & staff linked to the equality badges.

3.To enhance staff knowledge of the Equality strands.


Equality Badge Leaders

  • Equality Lead - Catherine T
  • Race (RA) – Lisa B
  • Religion and Belief (RE) – Catherine T
  • Sexual orientation and gender reassignment  (SO)– Jacqui P
  • Socioeconomic (SE) – Catherine T
  • Sex (S) – Danielle J
  • Disability (D) - Jude R and Angela F


Equality Governor - Amanda O

Equality Committee - Bridget, Jill


Equality Act 2010:

The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society.

It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it’s unlawful to treat someone.



Protected Characteristics:

The Equality Act 2010 has brought together all the current discrimination laws into one and sets out the “protected characteristics” that qualify for protection from discrimination as:

  • age (relevant in considering our duties as an employer, but not in relation to pupils)
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • socio-economic background
  • sex; and
  • sexual orientation

Equality Blog


In Autumn 2024 we have been exploring and learning about equality and diversity by following our rolling programme.


We started the academic year with Jeans for Genes day (disability focus), we discussed ways in which we are different how each person is unique. We promoted kindness and wellbeing and thought about what makes us special. We also raised money for charity!


In October, we celebrated Black History Month (race focus)  and looked at art from a number of artists, we then had a go at recreating our own pieces and celebrated different people from around the world.


We explored different faiths and delved into Diwali and Christmas - It was so good to learn about other cultures and what is important and special to different people.


In the upcoming months we will continue to develop our understanding by celebrating Eid, International Women's Day, Easter and Race Equality Day in the Spring term.


Check out the badges below to see what wonderful things we have been up to!

Promoting Fundamental British Values

In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.


The Key Values are:
